We all engage in communication with others right from our birth. When we interact with others we are communicating with them. Right now...
MCS - 013 Discrete Math
Logic is the study and analysis of the nature of the valid argument, the reasoning tool by which valid inferences can be drawn from a g...
MCS - 012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
The first block introduces you about the concepts of Computer Organisation. It covers the data representation and digital logic circuit...
MCS - 011 Problem Solving and Programming
Problem-solving skills are recognized as an integral component of computer programming and in this block the primary focus of this cour...
ECO - 02 Accountancy
In business numerous transactions take place every day. It is humanly impossible to remember all of them. Hence the need to record them...
BCSL - 022 Assembly Language Programming Lab
The logic circuits are the basic building blocks of an electronic circuit. In this section, you must attempt to build the combinationa...
BCSL - 021 C Language Programming Lab
This is the lab course, wherein you will have the hands on experience. You have studied the support course material (MCS-011 Problem so...
FEG - 02 Foundation Course in English 2
Most pieces of writing require more than one paragraph. Mastering the art of writing a paragraph is essential to success in any form o...
BCSL - 013 Computer Basics and PC Software Lab
we are going to learn basics of computer. Computer is a machine that performs tasks or calculations according to a set of instructions,...
ECO - 01 Business Organization
In our day-to-day life, we use words like business, commerce, trade. industry, etc. quite often. These words have a definite meaning i...
BCS - 011 Computer Basics and PC Software
Computer is a device that has major uses in our lives. You can use computer for most of your needs. The applications of computer range ...