You were introduced to some of the tags of HTML5. In each tag of HTML, you can define a number of attributes that may define the display characteristics, such as font, colour, etc. of the content in the tag. However, this model of putting the display characteristics inside the tags makes a web site inflexible, inconsistent and difficult to change. There was a need of separating content of a web page from its presentation that is display in browser. This was made possible by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS allows separation of content of web pages from their presentation. The content can be part of an HTML page, whereas the presentation can be moved to CSS. In fact, a CSS can be used to control the style and layout of multiple html pages all at once. Cascading Style Sheet is a mechanism for adding style such as background color, font color to web pages or documents. The W3C, an organization that oversees the development of web technologies, has released three versions of CSS, namely CSS1 in 1996, CSS2 in 1998 and the latest version CSS3.

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