is a hot topic today. It has revolutionized the way we live, work, learn and communicate
with each other. It has opened up new gateways of opportunities for education
and helped increase productivity, as well efficiency in areas like healthcare, banking,
governance, and manufacturing all over the world.
IT Professionals we have to deal with the whole range of Web technologies starting
from the Internet, i.e. to HTML, Advanced HTML, Java Script, VB Script, XML,
COM, JSP, ASP, Dream weaver, etc. The purpose of the course is to introduce some
of these technologies. In the first Block of course, we study how to design specific
page and dynamic web pages. We will also examine forms and frames, two of the
most important features of the web pages. The second part of the course, we focus
on the practical issues. Each topic is covered in the 10 practical sessions of three
hours duration each.
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